Reiki is a science of curing people without any medicine. It is based on the concept of energy mechanism. The basis of whole of the universe is energy only. It is this energy only which transforms into different shapes like stars, planets etc. Even the various life forms including human beings are transformations of this energy. Now scientifically also it has been proved. The big bang theory has been approved by scientists now and they further state that whole of the universe is expanding along with expansion of the constituent elements. This means that one day whole of the universal elements like planets, stars etc including life forms will disintegrate into small – smaller – smallest constituents ultimately terminating into energy. This way the cycle of formation and disintegration goes on. The theory of Einstein E = mc2 also supports these basics.
Reiki is not something that can be learnt by reading books. Here the learned teacher performs an initiation, which connects the disciple to the abundant source of cosmic energy, enabling him to tune in. It involves no medication, concentration, breathing exercises or massage; the magic is in hands.
Reiki is the Japanese word for “spiritually guided energy”. Among the renowned practitioners of Reiki the names of Buddha and Christ stand in the top list. Although the origin of Reiki was in India but in due course of time it was forgotten by masses until a Japanese Doctor, Mikao Usui, rediscovered it.
Reiki does not seek to replace medicine but it certainly plays a very important role along with medicines in treating illness. And in some cases it is reiki only that comes to rescue e.g in cases of infestation of metaphysical objects, in coma, various untreatable conditions etc. Distance healing is also possible with reiki. But since the reiki operates from the very root of the cause it takes time for the results to be seen in most cases. If properly done and if the initiation is from the learned guru the Reiki is effortless with no harm to both giver and receiver. Here the reiki healer merely acts like a dish antenna of a TV which receives cosmic energy from the universe and forward it to the receiver. In this process his own body energy is recharged. But if wrongly done the healers own body energy is depleted as he transfers it to the receiver which ultimately harms it. The most interesting part of this reiki healing is that it cannot be used to harm anyone. Since it is a positive energy which works on its own, once released the only thing it does is benefit of the recipient.
Reiki is not something that can be learnt by reading books. Here the learned teacher performs an initiation, which connects the disciple to the abundant source of cosmic energy, enabling him to tune in. It involves no medication, concentration, breathing exercises or massage; the magic is in hands.
Reiki is the Japanese word for “spiritually guided energy”. Among the renowned practitioners of Reiki the names of Buddha and Christ stand in the top list. Although the origin of Reiki was in India but in due course of time it was forgotten by masses until a Japanese Doctor, Mikao Usui, rediscovered it.
Reiki does not seek to replace medicine but it certainly plays a very important role along with medicines in treating illness. And in some cases it is reiki only that comes to rescue e.g in cases of infestation of metaphysical objects, in coma, various untreatable conditions etc. Distance healing is also possible with reiki. But since the reiki operates from the very root of the cause it takes time for the results to be seen in most cases. If properly done and if the initiation is from the learned guru the Reiki is effortless with no harm to both giver and receiver. Here the reiki healer merely acts like a dish antenna of a TV which receives cosmic energy from the universe and forward it to the receiver. In this process his own body energy is recharged. But if wrongly done the healers own body energy is depleted as he transfers it to the receiver which ultimately harms it. The most interesting part of this reiki healing is that it cannot be used to harm anyone. Since it is a positive energy which works on its own, once released the only thing it does is benefit of the recipient.
Hence when this reiki is combined in any treatment the results we get are astonishing thus making it an integral part of Holistic treatment.