Sunday, December 20, 2009


An exercise or Unification of Body, mind & soul

Think fitness and the first word that comes to mind, especially in recent times, is invariably yoga. With international celebrities like Madonna, Ricky Martin swearing by yoga, yoga as a complete fitness program has gained tremendous popularity, world-wide. Despite this most of us are still not clear about how or why yoga is beneficial. The most common reason to take to yoga has been, “It is good for us. Everyone is doing yoga these days”!

So now first take a slight peep into the world of yoga and explore why yoga is good and how it is different or even better than other forms of exercise. A common misconception that exists among many of us is to think of yoga as an exercise or its substitute. Even many learned yogis’ and babas’ are spreading this message to general public and have adopted the yoga as a means of exercise through which we can attain a healthy life and cure many disease condition. So the first step in enlightening ourselves about yoga is to clear this fallacy. Yoga is not an exercise or its substitute. It is one of the path of unification of mind, body and soul. It is the ultimate goal of yoga as is mentioned in the text , ‘Yog Sutra’ by Sage Patanjali, the main treatise for Yoga practitioners. And in preparation of the corporeal self for this tough journey towards this unification or self-evolution, asanas are practiced. The health benefits of asanas is but a natural by-product. So now we can clearly discern that the goal of yoga is entirely different and much deeper than those of conventional exercises which lie on much superficial level. Therefore propagating yoga as a simple means of exercise to cure various ailments of both body and mind is not precise and not justified by any means.
Now let us have an insight on yoga in its true sense: The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root word ‘Yuj’ which means to unite. It is the true union of our will with the will of the GOD. Patanjali in his ‘Yog Sutra’ has suggested 8 stages of Yoga. These stages are known as ‘Asthangyoga’. They are as follows:
1. Yama (Social Discipline): Yama means restraint or abstenance. It contains five moral principles namely non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and non-acquisitiveness.
2. Niyama (Individual Discipline): Rules of conduct towards oneself consist of certain disciplines which are physical and mental, both. These are 5 in number namely cleanliness, contentment, austerity, self-study and surrender to GOD.
3. Asana (Posture): Asanas means holding the body in a particular posture to bring stability to the body and poise to the mind. The practice of asanas help body cleanse its toxic metabolities and wastes and brings firmness to the body and vitality to the body and mind. This aspect of the yoga is now a days mostly explored leaving all other aspects.
4. Pranayama : The literal meaning of this is to control breath. But the deeper meaning is to control ones ‘Prana’ tatva that resides deep inside our body. Though breathing is also considered as a synonym of Pran but here the meaning that has to be taken is much deeper.
5. Pratyahara (Discipline of senses): The extroversion of the sense organs due to their hankering after wordly objects has to be restrained and directed inwards towards the source of all existence. This process of drawing the sense inwards is pratyahara or putting the sense under restraint.
6. Dharana (Concentration): Dharana means focussing the pure mine on one’s personal deity or individual self. The practice of dharana helps the mind to concentrate on a particular object.
7. Dhyana (Meditation): When one sustains and maintain the focus of attention through Dharana unbound by the time and Space, it is called Dhyana. It is next step of Dharana and destroys Rajas and Tamas gunas and develops Satvic Gunas.
8. Samadhi (Self-realization): The eighth and final stage of Yoga is Samadhi. At this stage, one’s identity becomes both externally and internally immersed in meditation. The meditator, the act of meditation and the object meditated upon becomes all three shred their individual characters and merge as one entity. This is the only reason that Sankaryacharya one the great Saint of Hinduism has one said ‘Aham Brahamasmi’ i.e. I am Brahm the sole creator of universe.

Hence when we talk of Yoga we should take the meaning in its original sense and try to fathom the concepts and principles laid by our ancestors for which they had devised ‘Yoga’.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Reiki- The art of Gentle Healing

The art of Gentle Healing

Reiki is a science of curing people without any medicine. It is based on the concept of energy mechanism. The basis of whole of the universe is energy only. It is this energy only which transforms into different shapes like stars, planets etc. Even the various life forms including human beings are transformations of this energy. Now scientifically also it has been proved. The big bang theory has been approved by scientists now and they further state that whole of the universe is expanding along with expansion of the constituent elements. This means that one day whole of the universal elements like planets, stars etc including life forms will disintegrate into small – smaller – smallest constituents ultimately terminating into energy. This way the cycle of formation and disintegration goes on. The theory of Einstein E = mc2 also supports these basics.

Reiki is not something that can be learnt by reading books. Here the learned teacher performs an initiation, which connects the disciple to the abundant source of cosmic energy, enabling him to tune in. It involves no medication, concentration, breathing exercises or massage; the magic is in hands.

Reiki is the Japanese word for “spiritually guided energy”. Among the renowned practitioners of Reiki the names of Buddha and Christ stand in the top list. Although the origin of Reiki was in India but in due course of time it was forgotten by masses until a Japanese Doctor, Mikao Usui, rediscovered it.

Reiki does not seek to replace medicine but it certainly plays a very important role along with medicines in treating illness. And in some cases it is reiki only that comes to rescue e.g in cases of infestation of metaphysical objects, in coma, various untreatable conditions etc. Distance healing is also possible with reiki. But since the reiki operates from the very root of the cause it takes time for the results to be seen in most cases. If properly done and if the initiation is from the learned guru the Reiki is effortless with no harm to both giver and receiver. Here the reiki healer merely acts like a dish antenna of a TV which receives cosmic energy from the universe and forward it to the receiver. In this process his own body energy is recharged. But if wrongly done the healers own body energy is depleted as he transfers it to the receiver which ultimately harms it. The most interesting part of this reiki healing is that it cannot be used to harm anyone. Since it is a positive energy which works on its own, once released the only thing it does is benefit of the recipient.

Hence when this reiki is combined in any treatment the results we get are astonishing thus making it an integral part of Holistic treatment.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Misconception and myths about excercise and weight loss

Misconceptions and myths about exercise and weight loss

How much true how much false

Now a days people are getting more conscious towards thier health and fitness. Similarly there are several common misconceptions about exercise and weight loss, but don’t let yourself be fooled! Here are the Top 6 Fitness Myths and the Truths that debunk them:

Myth #1: You can take weight off of specific body parts by doing exercises that target those areas.
Truth: This concept is called "spot training" and unfortunately, it doesn’t burn fat. When you lose weight, you are unable to choose the area in which the reduction will occur. Your body predetermines which fat stores it will use. For example, doing sit-ups will strengthen you abs but will not take the fat off of your stomach. Similarly, an activity like running burns fat all over your body, not just your legs. You can, however, compliment a balanced exercise program with a selection of weight training exercises to gradually lose weight and tone the body.

Myth #2: Women who lift weights will bulk up.
Truth: While on a weight lifting program, the right hormones (testosterone) are necessary in order to bulk up. Women’s testosterone levels are much lower than men’s, so in most cases, they are not capable of building large muscles. In fact, since muscle takes up less room than fat, women tend to lose inches when they strength train. So in addition to the physical benefits (increased metabolism, decreased risk of osteoporosis, increased strength), strength training will help you slim down too!

Myth #3: If you can’t exercise hard and strongly there is no point?
Truth: Even moderate activity is shown to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. If you don’t have 30 minutes in your nd often, there’s really no to exercise, try splitting it up into 10-minute segments instead. Everyone can find 10 minutes to spare sometime during the day! There are simple things you can do to increase your activity without having to go to the gym: take the stairs instead of the elevator, jump rope or do body weight exercises (push ups, crunches) at commercial breaks, take a short walk after lunch. Remember that any exercise is better than none!

Myth #4: Performing abdominal exercises will give you a flat stomach.
Truth: This is similar to Myth #1 above. The fact is, the only way to get a flat stomach is to strip away the fat around the midsection. This is accomplished by doing cardio/aerobic exercise (to burn calories), strength training (to increase metabolism) and following a proper diet. Abdominal exercises will help to build muscle in your midsection, but you will never see the muscle definition unless the fat in this area is stripped away.

Myth #5: You will burn more fat if you exercise longer at a lower intensity.
Truth: The most important factor in exercise and weight control is not the percentage of fat calories burned, but the total calories burned during the activity. The faster you walk, bike or swim, for example, the more calories you use per minute. Although you will be burning fewer "fat calories", you will be burning more total calories, and in turn, will lose more weight.

Myth #6: No pain, no gain!
Truth: Exercise should not be painful! At the height of your workout, you should be sweating and breathing hard. You should not be so out of breath that you cannot answer a question, but should not be so comfortable that you can carry on a full conversation. That’s how you know you are working at a good level. It’s important to distinguish between muscle fatigue (feeling "the burn") and muscle/joint pain (sharp and uncomfortable pain during movement). Pain is your body’s way of telling you that you’re doing something wrong. Listen to your body. If it’s painful, stop!

There’s a lot of fitness information out there- some reliable, some not. The important thing is to ask questions. If you don’t understand something or question the source, simply visit our site and for their advice and knowledge respectively. Sticking to the truths of these myths will keep you healthy, injury-free, and on track to meeting your fitness goals.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

– A disorder of mind and gut interrelation.

“It is more important to know what sort of Person has the disease than to know what sort of disease a person has”
– Hyppocrates

IBS is a unique disease entity in itself. It not only has physiological component but involves psychological component also that has its major impact in the manifestation of this disease. The medical management of patients with IBS is still unsatisfactory. Doctors are still taught that IBS is diagnosis of exclusion and patients readily sense that they are being told that nothing is really wrong with them. Many people soon realise that the medication they are being offered has little role to play. This mood of negativity once established further worsens the condition and is difficult to dispel.
IBS is best regarded as a complex of symptoms without a single cause. Disordered gut motility, visceral hypersensitivity, intestinal inflammation, and genetic and environmental factors have been suggested as being causative factors. In some cases, a well defined point of onset of syndrome symptoms seems to exist, such as after gastrointestinal infection but the most plausible view is that the symptoms of IBS are an integrated response to a variety of complex interactions combining biological and psychological factors. The concept of IBS is a disorder of brain – gut interaction with physical and psychological components, which places the emphasis on the perception of symptoms and their impact rather than on the symptoms themselves.
The psychological profiles of patients presenting with IBS are well characterised and about half of them have been found to have a demonstrable psychiatric disorder. Whether these abnormalities are cause of effect of is debated but since most of the diseases are psychosomatic in origin therefore it is more prudent to consider it while dealing with this disease because the patients with IBS are clearly more likely to have depression and abnormal behaviour patterns, including anxiety, sensitivity and somatisation. More specifically some patients develop maladaptive behaviour regarding eating and defecation which reinforces the magnitude of symptoms and their impact on quality of life. Moreover, concurrent psychiatric disorders are associated with poor outcome in irritable bowel syndrome.
The main problem a clinician is faced with is how to diagnose an IBS. For this Rome III criteria have been devised:

Symptoms of abdominal discomfort or pain, for three days a month in the past three months, associated with two or more of the following three features:
o Relieved by defection.
o Onset associated with a change in frequency of stool.
o Onset associated with a change in consistency (form or appearance) of stool.
Criteria fulfilled for the past three months, with onset of symptoms at least six months before diagnosis.

Growing evidence supports the use of antidepressants for IBS, but the mechanism of action of these drugs in the disorder remains unclear. Their beneficial effect is independent of mood or anti-cholinergic effects on the gut, which can be important in encouraging patients to accept their use. Clearly, although their antidepressant action is likely to be important in patients with a coexisting disorder, a separate and key action may be to influence psychological pathways leading to reduced somatisation and a reduced tendency to regard gut sensation as indicating illness.
Tricyclic antidepressants: They seem to be more useful when the main symptoms are pain and diarrhoea. Evidence suggests that a low dose of tricyclic antidepressant e.g. daily doses of amitriptyline as low as 10 mg are efficacious as, and produce fewer side effects than, conventional doses.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: They are thought to be more helpful in constipation and pain or bloating symptoms. e.g. Paroxetine (Tab Parotine 10 mg BD or according to response)
Cognitive behaviour therapy: It shows patients how events, thoughts, emotions, actions, and physiological responses are interlinked; the perception of sensation and the patients’ thoughts are of particular importance. It is most appropriate for those patients who are considerably distressed by their symptoms, are open to the idea that psychological factors play some role in their difficulties, and are willing to participate in this therapeutic approach. Cognitive behaviour therapy is as effective as antidepressant therapy and its benefit lasts longer.
Combining cognitive behaviour therapy and antidepressants can produce the best response.
Along with this the symptomatic treatment of the symptoms should also follow.

  • If it is constipation predominant then encourage high roughage diet and Isapghol with milk or Lactulose (Gush or Ree-Lax 10 gm or 15 ml) as a single dose and adjusted according to patients response).

  • If it is diarrhoea predominant then advice to avoid legumes and excessive dietary fibre along with Loperamide (Cap Eldoper) 2 – 8 mg daily.

In both the above conditions Cap. Syncrospas 100 mg tds (max duration in one go = 6 weeks) should also be added.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Cholesterol drama – How much truth, how much hype.

Cholesterol drama – How much truth, how much hype.

Cholesterol, this one word has become the nightmare for almost all over 30 years of age. Even the young people (in their 20’s) are not completely excused; they are also sometimes haunted by this ghost. This white, powdery, odourless and waxy substance does not even have any taste, but causes so much trouble for almost all those who have the habit of reading today’s health magazines. Even many doctors have been influenced by these. It does not cause so much havoc for human health as it does to human happiness.
But what is the truth? Is it really that bad or it is another propaganda of the companies that are fetching millions of rupees from the sale of ‘cholesterol lowering’ drugs.
Life depends upon cholesterol. All the life giving substances are derived from that chemical and that is why it is found in abundance in hen’s egg. While it is true that all studies showed a direct relationship between rising cholesterol and heart attacks they also showed that extensive and fatal heart attacks could occur even in those with low cholesterol.When I think about this topic I just memorise one old saying – “Truth could influence only half a score of men in a century while falsehoods and mystery will drag millions by the nose” (Said by Aristotle centuries ago).
Cholesterol is found in all foods of animal origin. There is no cholesterol in anything vegetarian. Besides other functions, it is also an integral part of an animal cell wall. If one is acquainted with the knowledge that millions of cells die everyday in the human body to be replaced by the new ones, one would quickly realize the importance and need of cholesterol for man. Various hormones in the body are manufactured from cholesterol. Even if one does not eat cholesterol at all, human liver could make enough for the body’s needs. 90% of the total cholesterol is made inside our liver and only 10% of it comes from the diet. Since cholesterol does not dissolve in water its transport inside needs a vehicle. The latter is usually protein – lipoprotein. Cholesterol is found in all major lipoproteins, the Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) and the High Density Lipoproteins (HDL). Thus we can clearly say that cholesterol is one essential constituent of body.
Earlier the normal cholesterol range was considered as between 150 - 250 mg per decilitre. But now it is recommended to have cholesterol level below 150 mg per decilitre. The greatest threat of raised cholesterol is linked to chance of Heart attack. It is loudly voiced that increased cholesterol leads to arteries becoming narrower and narrower, much as old water pipes build up scaly mineral deposits. This analogy helps another money spinner of coronary revascularisation. Non-medical person think that blocked coronaries are like blocked pipes that have to be bypassed. Never do they realize that body has its own defence to compensate for those long standing blocks, many of which start in early childhood, by providing collaterals and also remodelling the blocked vessels. The blood supply to the heart muscle does not as much depend on the blocked four large coronaries on the surface of the heart that your doctor shows you on the X –Ray (angiogram) as it does on the capacity of the millions of small vessels going directly into the muscle of the heart having a wide capacity to dilate excessively in case of reduced supply from the larger vessels.
It is not the science of medicine that is bad but the big players in the market that mould it to their benefit. In some instances excess of cholesterol may be bad but the way it is presented before a common man is the main factor for making people fear from it. It is just like a difference between lightening and lightening bug. And why this matter is hyped is because once these drugs are started, like B.P. drugs these have to be consumed for life time, which provides a life long income to the company. It is in contrast to other drugs like antibiotics which are taken for some time only.
In various trials also no significant results have been observed in people treated with cholesterol lowering drugs and untreated groups. A study in America named MFRIT (Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial) came out with following results:
1) Drastic changes that the participants were made to make in their diets could not have any effect on the levels of cholesterol in their blood.
2) No significant difference in deaths could be found in the treate group and the control after Nine years of follow up.
3) In fact, slightly more deaths occurred in the treated group.
4) In the control group deaths from heart attacks were 40% lower than expected in the beginning, showing how fallacious future predictions in linear mathematics could be.
It is worth noting that studies have shown that the error rate of reporting HDL, LDL etc. values by different laboratories was around 31%. Moreover due to the influence of various factors lke the time of day, the way the blood is collected, whether taken sitting or supine etc. could change the results by as much as 10 -18%. Therefore it is wise for the doctors to get at least 4-5 times, the test done at different laboratories before initiating any treatment for high cholesterol.
Even though many studies have been conducted world wide concerning this, but even today the wisdom of the medical profession can be summed up in the words of Eliot Corday in his article in the Journal of the American College of Cardialogy in 1989 which is as follows:
· Cholesterol should be checked only if there are sound clinical indications.
· A mixed diet low in calories and saturated fat should be recommended along with some physical exercise.
· It is irresponsible to force public into a costly cholesterol reducing programme without firm scientific evidence.
Author’s advice:
· Do not rely on one reading of the fat profile, check at least five to six times from different laboratories, if original results was high.
· Indian vegetarian diet without much fried foods and other saturated fats and low salt is the ideal one for most people.
· Avoiding alcohol and tobacco is as important if not more important than worrying about cholesterol.
· Recent studies have shown the mind and its effects on the heart are more important risk factors than all the above mentioned ones. Keep your mind at peace. Hostility and depression are real culprits for heart attacks.
· Epidemiology does not tell us who in society would get any disease, as time evolves.
Life depends upon cholesterol. All the life giving substances are derived from that chemical and that is why it is found in abundance in hen’s egg. While it is true that all studies showed a direct relationship between rising cholesterol and heart attacks they also showed that extensive and fatal heart attacks could occur even in those with low cholesterol.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mobile Phone health hazards

Mobile phones have indeed become an indispensable part of our lifestyle but not without a price. Mobile phones and telephone towers emit microwave (Frequencies from 1-30 GHz) radiation, which is in the radio frequency radiation (RFR) part of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves.
RFR, like ultra-violet (UV) and infra-red light, is a sources of non-ionising radiation. These radiations, together with ionizing electromagnetic radiations (X-rays, gamma rays) make up the electromagnetic spectrum. Radiofrequency is the spectrum of electromagnetic waves that range from 100 Kilohertz (KHz) to 300 Gigahertz (GHz).
RFR energy is used for a number of applications, including:
Carriage of telephone and broadcasting signals (radio, TV, mobile phones, cordless phones).
Industrial processing.
Radar and microwave ovens.
Medical therapies.
Mobile (or cellular) phones use electric power to receive and transmit signals through a base station tower that is linked with other transmission towers. These signals are usually around 900 MHz which is within the microwave range.
Effects of RFR on health:
Heating (thermal) effects
Radiofrequency radiation is a source of thermal energy and in adequate doses, has all the known effects of heating on biological systems, including burns and cataracts in the eye. Human and animal studies indicate that RF fields can cause harmful effects because of excessive heating of internal tissues.
For most of the range of RFR the skin does not easily detect the heating caused by these fields. Workers can therefore absorb significant amounts of RFR without being aware of any leakage fields. There are reports of workers in some occupations experiencing a "warming sensation" some time after being exposed to RFR at work. Calculations show that maximal temperature rises may be about 0.03o C. Although this temperature rise is slight, the heating effect of RFR can become a problem in individuals with metallic implants such as rods in bones, and electro-magnetic interference can interact with some cardiac pacemakers.
Acute high dose exposures to RFR may cause injury to the eye. The cornea and crystalline lens are particularly susceptible to frequency in the 1-300 GHz range and formation of lesions in the retina is also possible.

Non-thermal effects
Biological effects from RFR exposure also occur where thermal mechanisms are not possible or are inadequate to account for these effects. These are referred to as athermal effects. Long-term exposure to low-level RFR has induced a variety of effects in the nervous system and components of the immune system of small animals. However, the significance of these in humans is still not clear. A number of recent studies have suggested differences in cognitive function in frequent users of mobile phones. These changes included changes in reaction time and memory. Other reported health effects include headaches and sleep disorder.
RFR and cancer
A research study has suggested that RFR may act as a cancer promoter in animals but there is not enough evidence that RFR can initiate cancer in humans. There are few epidemiological studies of workers exposed to RFR and conclusions regarding health effects in humans are limited. Studies have been few and inconsistent with regard to possible cancer effects of RFR in exposed humans.
In 2007, an assessment was published by the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks or SCENIHR that there is no significant health effect on human beings exposed to mobile phone radiation. This assumes a moderate and normal level of exposure. They claim that
the normal exposure to mobile phone radiation will not cause headaches or dizziness
moderate exposure to mobile phones does not cause brain cancer, negative neurological effects, or negative reproductive effects
there are inconclusive studies that say that mobile phones could cause a benign tumour in the auditory nerve
there are still more studies to be done regarding the effect of mobile phones on children
Recent studies claim that cell and cordless phone microwave can possibly cause:
Damage nerves in the scalp
Cause blood cells to leak hemoglobin
Cause memory loss and mental confusion
Cause headaches and induce extreme fatigue
Induce depression and sleeping disorders
Create joint pain, muscle spasms and tremors
Create burning sensation and rash on the skin
Alter the brain's electrical activity during sleep
Induce ringing ! in the ears, impair sense of smell
Precipitate cataracts, retina damage and eye cancer
Open the blood-brain barrier to viruses and toxins
Reduce the number and efficiency of white blood cells
Stimulate asthma by producing histamine in mast cells
Cause digestive problems and raise bad cholesterol levels
Stress the endocrine system, especially pancreas, thyroid, ovaries, testes
Could cut male sperm production by third and/or cause them to function abnormally reducing their chance of fertilization
· Some people appear to have an almost pathological emotional attachment to their cell phones and there is a fascinating suggestion that cell radiation pulses might actually be addictive to the human brain.
· Cell phone is a microwave transmitter. Microwave energy oscillates at millions to billions of cycles per second. The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry reports that these frequencies cause cancer and other diseases by interfering with cellular DNA and its repair mechanisms. Microwave promotes rapid cell aging. Italian scientists have recently demonstrated that cell phone radiation makes cancerous cells grow aggressively. Cordless phones marked 900 megahertz or 2.4 gigahertz emits the same dangerous microwave radiation as cell phones.
According to the World Health Organization, some harmful effects EMFs can have on your body include: Headache Fatigue Stress Sleep disturbances Skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations and rashes Muscle pains and aches.
Researchers say that headaches, memory loss, cancer, rashes in ears and fingers and even leukemia are likely to occur after a continuous use of phone over a period of 14 months. The radiations produced by the phones can affect the brain of children and it will give them the difficulty to cope up with their studies and soon memory loss arises.
Long-term use of a cell phone may cause inner ear damage and can lead to high frequency hearing loss, according to a new study.100 people who had used mobile phones for over a year suffered increases in the degree of hearing loss over the span of 12 months. Furthermore, the study also discovered that people who used their phones for more than 60 minutes a day had a worse hearing threshold than those with less use.
The researchers warn users of cell phones to look out for ear symptoms such as ear warmth, ear fullness, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus) as early warning signs that you may have an auditory abnormality.

Recently, new media has reported a study showing the microwave radiation from cell phones is so full of energy they can be used to cook eggs.
In the experiment, 2 Russian researchers placed one egg in a porcelain cup (because it is easy to conduct heat), and put one cell phone on one side and another cell phone on the other. The researchers then called from one cell phone to another and kept the cell phones on after connecting.

During the first 15 minutes, nothing changed. After 25 minutes, however, the egg shell started to become hot and at 40 minutes, the surface of the egg became hard and bristled. Researchers found the protein in the egg had become solid although the egg yolk was still in liquid form. After 65 minutes, the whole egg was well cooked.
Now a days a syndrome associated with excessive use of Mobile phone is being postulated which is known as Health syndrome. In this syndrome:
Around 40% of users complain that they suffer from headaches, and many people find that after a day's heavy use of the phone that they have a thumping headache.
After a while users feel extremely tired, and their reaction times start to fall off.
After 14 months to two years some users will start to develop leukaemia.
[Some laboratory tests also show that after a seven-and-a-half hour exposure to a mobile phone on stand-by there was a serious degradation of the while blood cells (the cells that fight disease). A day after exposure there was a substantial fall in the viability of white blood cells, and after the 2nd day only 13% of white blood cells were viable.]
Several studies show cell phones are a leading cause of car crashes.The reaction time of cell phone users slows dramatically, increasing the risk of accidents
Simple protective measures to avoid mobile hazards:
1) Choose a phone with lowest RFR level.
2) Make shorter calls
3) Hold the mobile a couple of cms away from the ear while using.
4) Even if users holding their phones away from their head while usage experience a slight muscle ache it should warn them that they have been on phone too long.
5) Use loud speaker mode of mobile for conversing whenever and wherever possible.
6) Make more use of ordinary wire phone in the office and at home
7) Small children should be discouraged to use mobile phones
8) Avoid using mobile phones while driving or travelling
9) Switch off mobile phone while sleeping
Studies showing no adverse effect of mobile phone usage:
A Danish study in 2004 that was ten years long showed no evidence
A Swedish study in 2005 drew the conclusion that mobile phone use is not related to glioma or meningioma
A British study in 2005 stated that there is no significant risk of acoustic neuroma for the first decade of using a mobile phone. One must still keep in mind that the long term effects of such use has still to be discovered
A German study in 2006 states that there is no risk of glioma or meningioma for cellphone users although the long term effects of such use are still to be known
A joint study which was conducted across northern Europe states that the results do not indicate an increased risk of glioma in relation to the use of mobile phones although it is possible that the most heavily exposed part of the brain may have long term effects that are unknown of
Conclusion: It is still a matter of debate whether mobile phone usage have any ill effects on health or not. But it is certain that chronic and long term usage of mobile phone certainly has its impact on person’s life either directly or indirectly. ‘Prevention is better than cure’ is a general rule and should be adopted here also by following the simple measures as mentioned above.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Truth About Carbohydrates

Not all Carbs are Created Equal

It’s true. A carbohydrate-rich diet can inflate appetite and girth. Low-carb diets do promote short-term weight loss, but are accompanied by some severe dangers. So what should you do? The truth is, you can have your carbs and eat them too—you just have to know how to choose them. The Truth about Carbohydrates
· Carbohydrates are the body's ideal fuel for most functions. They supply the body with the energy needed for the muscles, brain and central nervous system. In fact, the human brain depends exclusively on carbohydrates for its energy.
· Carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, beans, dairy products, foods made from grain products, and sweeteners such as sugar, honey, molasses, and corn syrup.
· The body converts digestible (non-fiber) carbohydrates into glucose, which our cells use as fuel. Some carbs (simple) break down quickly into glucose while others (complex) are slowly broken down and enter the bloodstream more gradually.
· During digestion, all carbohydrates are broken down into glucose before they can enter the bloodstream where insulin helps the glucose enter the body’s cells. Some glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles for future use, like fuelling a workout. If there is extra glucose, the body will store it as fat.
All carbohydrates are not created equal.
There are basically three types of carbohydrates:
1. Simple carbohydrates are composed of 1 or 2 sugar units that are broken down and digested quickly. Recent research has shown that certain simple carbohydrate foods can cause extreme surges in blood sugar levels, which also increases insulin release. This can elevate appetite and the risk of excess fat storage.
2. Complex carbohydrates (also referred to as starch) are made up of many sugar units and are found in both natural (brown rice) and refined (white bread) form. They are structurally more complex and take longer to be broken down and digested. Complex carbohydrate foods have been shown to enter the blood stream gradually and trigger only a moderate rise in insulin levels, which stabilizes appetite and results in fewer carbohydrates that are stored as fat. Unrefined or ‘whole grain’ carbohydrates found in products like brown rice, whole wheat pasta and bran cereals are digested slowly. They contain vitamins, minerals and fiber which promote health. Fiber and nutrient-rich vegetables, fruits and beans which are carbohydrates also have many important functions for the body and are important for good health.
3. Indigestible carbohydrates are also called fiber. The body is unable to breakdown fiber into small enough units for absorption. It is therefore not an energy source for the body but does promote health in many other ways.
Simple carbs, complex carbs, and fiber are found in many foods. Some provide important nutrients that promote health while others simply provide calories that promote girth.
· Sugar, syrup, candy, honey, jams, jelly, molasses, and soft drinks contain simple carbohydrates and little if any nutrients.
· Fruits contain primarily simple carbohydrate but also valuable vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.
· Vegetables contain varying amounts of simple and complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.
· Legumes such as beans, peas, lentils and soybeans contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein.
· Milk products contain simple carbohydrates along with protein, calcium and other nutrients.
· Grain products contain complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein. The amounts vary depending on the type of grain used and the amount of processing. Selecting whole grain options whenever possible is recommended.
What You Should Know About Low-Carbohydrate Diets
Following an extremely low-carbohydrate diet is disastrous, dangerous, and above all—boring! Carbohydrates are NOT the enemy. Including the appropriate amounts and types of carbohydrate-rich foods in your diet is essential for long-term health and weight loss/maintenance.
The Body’s Immediate Reaction to Very Low Carbohydrate Diets When there is a severe deficit of carbohydrates, the body has several immediate reactions:
· With no glucose available for energy, the body starts using protein from food for energy. Therefore this protein is no longer available for more important functions, such as making new cells, tissues, enzymes, hormones, and antibodies and the regulation of fluid balance.
· When carbohydrates are lacking, the body cannot burn fat in the correct way. Normally carbs combine with fat fragments to be used as energy. When carbs are not available, there is an incomplete breakdown of fat that produces a by-product called ketones. These ketones accumulate in the blood and in the urine causing ketosis, which is an abnormal state. Ketosis does cause a decrease in appetite because it's one of the body's protection mechanisms. It's an advantage to someone in a famine (which the body thinks it's experiencing) to lack an appetite because the search for food would be a waste of time and additional energy.
· Due to the lack of energy and the accumulation of ketones, low-carb diets are often accompanied by nausea, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, bad breath, and dehydration.
· Because of dehydration and a lack of fiber, constipation can result.
· Exercise and fitness performance is reduced on a low-carb diet. Do not be surprised if your energy level is so low that you cannot make it through your normal workout routine.
The Long-Term Effects of Low Carbohydrate Diets When you severely restrict carbohydrates, your consumption of protein and fat increases, which has several long-term effects:
· The risk of many cancers increases when fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, and beans are eliminated from the diet.
· Protein foods are also high in purines, which are broken down into uric acid. Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood may lead to needle-like uric acid crystals in joints, causing gout.
· Kidney stones are more likely to form on high protein, ketosis-producing diets.
· Over time, high protein diets can cause a loss of calcium and lead to osteoporosis.
· The risk of heart disease is greatly increased on a low-carb diet that is high in protein, cholesterol, fat, and saturated fat. A temporary reduction in cholesterol levels may be experienced, but this is common with any weight loss.
The Million Dollar Question
How do you include carbohydrates in you diet in a safe, effective, and controlled way? The “Please KISS Me” (Please Keep It So Simple for Me) plan for carbohydrate control is a wonderful tool that only contains 3 simple rules:
RULE 1: Include the following in your diet:
· Fruits: 2-4 servings daily
· Vegetables: 3-5 servings daily
· Whole grain breads, muffins, bagels, rolls, pasta, noodles, crackers, cereal, and brown rice: 6-11 servings daily
· Legumes, beans and peas: 1-2 servings daily
· Low-fat and non-fat dairy products: 3 servings daily
RULE 2: Limit the following to less than 2 servings daily:
· Fruit Juice
· Refined and processed white flour products (bread, muffins, bagels, rolls, pasta, noodles, crackers, cereal)
· White rice
· French fries
· Fried vegetables
RULE 3: Eliminate the following from your diet or eat only on occasion:
· Sugary desserts, cookies, cakes, pies, candies
· Doughnuts and pastries
· Chips, cola and carbonated beverages
· Sugar, honey, syrup, jam, jelly, molasses
That’s it! A simple, effective carbohydrate-controlling plan that, when combined with your Spark Diet, allows you to reap the countless benefits of complex carbohydrates and fiber while enhancing your health and maintaining a healthy weight. The long term result will be a healthy you!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

All about Sleep

Human beings spend one third of their life span sleeping. Infants and toddlers sleep much more. For many, sleep is the best part of the routine, relieving tiredness and bestowing psychologically soothing effects. Inspite of decades of tremendous research, there is no sigle precise answer to why we sleep. Although sleep is considered to be a universal biological need in the animal kingdom and a mechanism to conserve energy and restore the body and mind. But if we look in our old texts we find refrences that in older days some people used to wake for months together e.g. in Mahabharatha, Arjuna had done some siddhi after which he had attained victory over sleep and it was he who used to guard the others while they were asleep in the night. In ants also we find such behaviour. They never sleep after their birth and continue to work till the end of their life. But in general sleep is an essential component of our life.
During night's sleep, two types of sleep alternate in cyclical fashion. These two types of sleep have been referred to as REM (Rapid Eye Movements) and NREM (Non-Rapid Eye Movements) sleep. REM is interspersed with the NREM sleep, recurring every 90 minutes. NREM is a dreamless sleep whereas in REM we can recall the dreams after waking up.
Dreams are mind's natural stress-busters. Psycoanalytically, dreams allow unconscious unflled wishes and fantisies to be acted out in a safe context, which leads to release of anxiety and provides psychological balance. Dreams have also been widely interpreted to understand the unconscious mechanisms of the mind, thus revealing more about one's mental health.
While the average adult requires one third of the day, i.e. eight hours, children usually need 9 -10 hours of a night's sleep to feel fresh. However modern life style is forcing people to have just 5-6 hours sleep only. It is worth to note in this respect that it is not the level of fatigue that determines the hours of sleeping, instead it determines the length of REM sleep. Hence, the more fatigued you are, the less of REM sleep and more of deep sleep you tend to get.
Research shows that metabolic activity of the brain decreases significantly after 24 hours of sustained wakefullness. Sleep deprivation if prolonged due to any reason leads to an eventual decrease in immune system functioning, release of various hormones and influences mood; person tends to become more depressed and agitated.
Biological clock: An inernal biological clock regulates the timing of sleep in humans. The activity of this clock makes sleep at night and awake during the day. Our clock cycles with an approx. 24 hour period and is called as circadian clock. The most important function of a biological clock is to regulate overt biological rhythms like the sleep/wake cycle. The cue that synchronises internal biological clock to the environmental cycle is light.
Consequences of disturbed circardian rhythm/ night sleep:
  • The primary effect is excessive day time sleepiness.
  • Mood changes like irritability, depression and lack of motivation.
  • Performance is also hampered due to lack of energy, coordination and concentration.
  • Sleep deprivation has also been associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity and diabetes.

The Solution:

The remedy lies in use of sleep hygiene techniques and consulting professional if the problem becomes severe. Sleep hygiene begins with arranging basic necessities for a good night's sleep:

  • A comfortable bed reserved only for sleeping at night.
  • Absence of lights and loud noice.
  • Fixed time to sleep and wake up everyday.
  • Day time sleeping is discouraged to ensure accumulation of fatigue at the end of the day.
  • Intake of caffeine, alcohol or watching TV and computers should be avooided at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Dinner should be light and balanced in carbohydrates and proteins.
  • A glass of warm milk with 'Health Care Choorna' (More details regarding the choorna is availble at ) also helps in inducing sleep, since warm milk contains tryptophan which stimulates secretion of sleep inducing hormone, melatonin while the Health care choorna contains a mixture of herbs like Amla, Ashwagandha etc. which helps in calming the mind and relieving fatigue.

Thus it can be inferred that sleep is essential for a person's overall wellbeing. It is therefore advisable to work one's routine in a manner that one gets the desired amount of sleep. This helps fight stress with the body's natural restoring mechanisms, thus maintaining an integrated physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Probiotics: Friendly bacteria 4 your digestive system

Did you know that your digestive tract contains more than 400 types of “friendly” bacteria? These little guys, commonly referred to as probiotics (which means "pro-life"), help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy digestive system. That’s right! Probiotics are live bacteria with clinically-documented health benefits. Health BenefitsIt appears that when the digestive system is kept healthy, other body systems greatly benefit as well. Probiotics may:
  • Protect against infection
  • Enhance and boost the immune system
  • Promote and improve digestive health
  • Alleviate diarrhea caused by antibiotic treatments
  • Promote urinary and genital health
  • Assist in the management of inflammation
  • Help alleviate symptoms of lactose intolerance
  • Improve some types of eczema in infants and children
  • Reduce cholesterol levels
  • Decrease the risk of certain cancers.

It is important to note that each type of friendly bacteria has a specific health benefit to the body. With over 400 different types of probiotics identified, researchers are just starting to uncover the health roles and benefits of each. Food SourcesCurrently, foods that contain probiotics are primarily dairy products and dairy beverages, including:

  • Yogurt
  • Drinkable and squeezable yogurts
  • Fluid milk with added probiotics
  • Fermented milk such as sweet acidophilus milk.

Through fermentation, probiotics enhance the flavor and texture of these particular dairy products. Dairy foods actually buffer your stomach acid and bile, thereby protecting the probiotics from the stomach acid so that they can reach the intestines.
Raw (unpasteurized) yogurt is loaded with bacteria. Most yogurts today are pasteurized and these bacteria are killed. However, some friendly bacteria are added back. Look for a yogurt that contains the “live and active culture” sign on the label. Pay close attention to the expiration date because these live bacterial cultures can diminish with time. Probiotic SupplementsProbiotic supplements are available in a variety of forms, such as freeze dried powder, capsules, wafers, and liquids. Remember to exercise caution before using a probiotic supplement. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements in the same way as it regulates medication. Legally, manufacturers can sell supplements, even with little or no research on how well it works or how safe it is.

Supplement and medication reactions can occur, therefore seek the guidance of your health care provider before using any probiotic supplement.

You can purchase a probiotic that is guranteed safe as it is purely made from ayurvedic herbs along with information how to use it for maximum benefit. Just log on to and order.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Holistic Ayurveda

There are many types of different pathies prevalent in the world. Among them the most recognised ones are Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha and Reiki. Similarly there are various types of diseases and their different modes of manifestation and effects on the patient. Moreover people are also having different prakrities i.e. constitution and as such no single pathy is selfsufficient to cure diseases in all individuals. And that is why all these pathies are still prevalent today also and each one is having its own potentialities.
Therefore in order to cure a disease in its fullest form we have to adopt a multidiciplinary approach and use the combination of treatment modalities. This not only cures the disease, but also reduces the aftermaths of treatment and recovery time.
When this combined approach is applied in any system of medicine it is known as “Holistic”.
Ayurveda is oldest form of medical treatment and encompasses most of other treatment modalities.
When this holistic approach is applied along with Ayurveda as the main base it is known as “HOLISTIC AYURVEDA” and is the most effective means of treating a disease.