Tridoshas form the fundamentals of Ayurveda treatment. According to ayurveda whole of the human body and the Universe at large are made up of and are governed by these three doshas only viz Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Any disturbance in any one of these components leads to a disease condition and by bringing these in harmony we can cure the disease and lead a healthy life. For this Samanya and Vishesha siddhanta is applied in Ayurveda i.e. The food stuffs which contain a specific guna will increase the respective dosha in the body ( when consumed) and will decrease the opposite dosha. Viz.
Vata foods: Foods containing vayu and little of pitta or kapha strengthen the nervous system but weaken the mucous and circulatory system.
Pitta foods: strengthen circulation but weaken the mucous and nervous system.
Kapha foods: Strengthen the mucous system, weakening nervous system and circulation.
Vata-Pitta foods: Strengthens nervous and circulation at the expense of mucous system.
Vata-Kapha foods: Stengthen nerves and mucous, weakens circulation and increases the concentration of heat.
Pitta-Kapha foods: Promotes circulation and lubrication, weakening the nervous system.
Vata – Pitta-Kapha foods: Promote proper function of all bodily systems. Foods containing all these elements are fresh whole milk, fresh cream, black pepper and fish. The milk and cream must be of the same day’s milking otherwise the vayu and pitta properties are lost, leaving only kapha (the only property left in stored – purchased milk). Whole milk or cream should be taken only after heating to just below theboiling point.
Some of the food stuffs and the doshas to which they are associated are given below:
Avocado - Kapha
Banana – Vata-Pitta
Beets – Vata-Kapha
Brccoli – Vata
Cabbage – Kapha
Carrots – Vata-Kapha
Cauliflower – Kapha
Celery – Pitta
Chestnuts – Vata – Kapha
Chocolate – Pitta
Coffee – Pitta
Corn – Vay –Kapha
Corn flakes – Vayu
Cream – Vata-Pitta-Kapha
Cream cheese – Vata - Kapha.
Curd – Pitta
Date – Vata-Kapha
Escarol – Kapha
Grape fruit – Kapha
Grapes – Vata – Kapha
Greens – Kapha
Honey – Kapha
Kolrabi – Kapha
Lemon – Vata
Lettuce – Kapha
Milk (fresh) – Vata-Pitta-Kapha
Milk (bottled) – Kapha
Mint – Pitta
Mushrooms – Kapha
Oat meal – Vata – Kapha
Olive (ripe) – Vata-Kapha
Onion – Pitta
Parsley – Vayu
Peanuts – Pitta
Pears – Kapha
Peas – Pitta
Pickles (Sour & hot) – Pitta
Potatoes – Pitta
Pulses – Pitta
Rice – Kapha
Salt – Vayu
Soyabeans – Pitta
Spinach – Kapha
Sugar (Raw) – Pitta
Sugar (Refined) – Vata-Pitta
Sunflower seeds – Pitta
Tea – Vata
Tomatoes – Kapha
Turnips – Kapha
Vinegar – Pitta
Walnuts – Pitta
Wheat –Pitta
Thus we see that every food is related to a particular dosha and by consuming the food in precise manner or according to the need we can stay healthy and can also cure small ailments by food only.
Interesting information sharing about the Food stuff and Doshas. Thanks for sharing.
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